The Sunshine Blogger Award – A feather to the hat.

Thanks a lot Sally for nominating me for  the award. Its always a pleasure and a privilege to have such readers and followers for my writings, which keeps me motivated to put my best.

1. Can you tell us about yourself in 100 words or less?

"I'm me, nothing more nothing less…"My name is Banasmita and I’ve been traveling since I was a kid. Growing up in North East and North zone…..and as my dad was in Indian Army, Travelling was something that became a part of my life.

The very first journey of my life which I still remember was a Journey from Punjab to Agartala, Tripura. Every time I travel I discover myself with lots of answers to what I want from life and  many unanswered questions about what i got from life.  And I decide to travel. I decide to seek answers of my questions and to discover a life that probably i have never met before and the LEARN began.

2. Can you tell us more about your blog in 100 words of less that would encourage people to follow you?

“Some moments we experience while travelling end up blowing us away, in ways we would never have expected. They stay with us forever, and years later we still smile at the fond memories.” So many things come up in life and few things we might have experienced more  than once and few remained as a fantasy. Exploring life, exploring self and exploring the beautiful world at the  same time is  only possible when we travel. We get an opportunity to learn many things which might not have earned from formal education. Different cultures, traditions, rituals, belief's, people, ideologies, perceptions and so many things which will make us realize that what we know is just a drop in the ocean. My writings in this  blog are experiences of  the people I met, their greatest fears and fantasies and sometimes my own experiences. I believe life teaches us many things in life day in , day out. Each and every minute, we get an opportunity to learn and discover life and always doesn't and cannot happen in a classroom. Hence I named it as “Not All Classrooms Have Four Walls.

3. What is the strongest memory from your childhood?

" I treat memories as the one's where I have been myself, the moments I can revisit whenever I wish. There isn't a memory like strong and weak, if anything has become a page in the book my life it's a memory."

4. Can you tell us more about where you live and why you call it home?

" I Live in a castle of my dream with a crown of  emotions, My dreams are my home where I can be what I want to be, where I can fly high in the sky , I can  breathe under the water, jump from one star to another… a fairyland where I'm a Fairy Queen is my Home."

5. Do you have someone in your family that is your role model?

" A role model is the one from whom we get inspired and from whom we learn to be a better Human being". When it comes to be a better person , I don’t want to limit it to my family. Every person I meet and I met is my Role model. I believe each and every person is special in their own ways . If we can see the positive side of a person, we get inspired by their special qualities.

6. Is there a country that you have not visited but is on your wish list?

A Country called World.

7. Who is your favourite author and why?

John Grisham - I love thrillers.. The way John Grisham narrates holds my breath till the last word. His writing is crisp, the stories move quickly, and the language is clean. Besides that Anything and everything worth reading is my favourite. Words are to be read and appreciated. 

8. What is your favourite meal?

Well! Everything except Dead bodies. I am Vegan and not a cannible.

9. What is your favourite musician and can you let us have a YouTube link so that we can listen to them?

Elvis presley:

Many More...... 

10.What is your favourite film and why?

The notebook - Its perfect story of persistence in love. It's Very close to my heart as the story appeared very realistic and it made me revisit some beautiful memories down the lane.

It also highlights the fact that True love will always etch deep in our heart  no matter whether it succeed or not. 

There are so many movies I can out on list. 

PS: I Love You 😉

11. If you could live in another time.. decade or century.. what would that be?

Present. What more can be any better than the Time  we are in. I get an opportunity to learn from my past and  be a better person in future..

I have chosen some of my favorite bloggers on the blog as my nominees because I would like to find out more about them and also it is a great way to meet new people by taking part in the awards.

I have put a link to some latest posts I recently went through, so you can check that out at the same time.

Fortune Cookie : The Unlimited Thali
Momentary Reverie: Tomorrow
Nathan Wood: ABCDE Model of Emotional Disturbance
Career break Adventures :The Plunge: Deciding to Take a Career Break to Travel the World
Shivangi: After Watching Revolutionary Road…
Inaloveworld : Learning to live the unconditional Life
Tulika B. : “I Hunt Silence, in the City”
Simple Ula : Why Feel Fine, When You Can Feel Amazing?!
AmyRose : The Mystery

The following are the  questions to my nominees:

What's your favourite Novel and why?
What's  your favorite song which is close to your heart and why? please provide the link.
What is your favourite film and why?
If you get once chance to go back in time and correct, what's that you would like to correct?
What's that you look for  in a role  model? please mention your role model and why?
What is your inspiration to write?
Tell us more about your blog  that would encourage people to follow you?
What's your philosophy of life?
As per your opinion , what is the definition love and relationship?
What's your everlasting wish?
What is your favorite destination for a vacation and why?

My thanks again to Sally for nominating me and I hope that if you do not have time to respond to the nomination that you will pop in to see and follow the other nominees.

------   Happy Blogging   ------

8 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award – A feather to the hat.”

  1. I have read some of my favorite posts on this page, about the places I have already traveled and some I have not.. which ensures I will have to plan them.. 🙂
    Thank you so much, Maya! Happy to be nomianted and more happy to know a bit of you.

    Liked by 1 person

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